Letter to Parks Re: Pier
At our November Board meeting, John Barber’s letter to Parks was approved. He expresses concern about the proposed new pier. November 20,...
Leschi Council
Nov 26, 2023

Notes from the T Dock
We try, on sunny summer afternoons, of which there have been countless this year, to catch a swim in the lake. Typically, it’s a paddle...
Leschi Council
Aug 26, 2023

A Nation Under Stress
No, thanks. I do not plan to discuss, certainly not defend, or attempt to defend the policemen—the five Black policemen—shown brutally...
Leschi Council
Feb 20, 2023
Rules for Living in a Community (or your “freedom” ends where my safety begins)
Consider this: When you live in a place alone, you need no rules—or you make them, discard them as you choose. You may not think about...
Leschi Council
Dec 30, 2021
To the High School Graduates in my Life
Congratulations! I’m proud of you. It never occurred to me that you would not graduate. I decided to write you a letter, a letter I wish...
Leschi Council
Jun 1, 2021
Profiles in Privilege
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many other issues to the forefront, particularly “Racial Equity” and its corollary, White Privilege....
Leschi Council
Mar 1, 2021
Selma Waldman: Witness to the Abuse of Power
“Lust for power and territory is the same lust that kills man, women, children and the land itself.” ~Selma Waldman 2002 What would...
Leschi Council
Feb 1, 2021
Positives from Protest
For countless individuals, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests produced some great presents for the year. The number and diversity of...
Leschi Council
Jan 1, 2021
Rampant Voter Suppression
Vote. Vote. Vote blare the internet and commercials: former president Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, former attorney general Eric Holder,...
Leschi Council
Nov 1, 2020
Black Lives Matter and Occupations
What a summer it has been! Immediately after my last column went to press on the COVID-19 murals all over town, George Floyd was murdered...
Leschi Council
Sep 1, 2020

Imagine What Could Have Been and What Could Be?
Sick people, lacking paid leave, couldn’t afford to stop working. Others who lost their jobs lost their health insurance, too....
Leschi Council
Jun 1, 2020
Horse Girl Gone Global
An around-the-world enquiry of the ‘Equine Addiction’ Hello and welcome to Horse Girl Gone Global. A 2019 recipient of the Watson...
Leschi Council
Jun 1, 2020