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Executive Board meeting minutes

submitted by Amy Fink

January 12, 2016—Attending: Diane Snell, Diane Morris, Kim Murillo, Jeff Floor, Yousef Shulman, Amy Fink, and Tracy Bier.


Diane S. did a lot of work on advertising and brought in ad money. We also have some new advertisers. Please see Kim’s report. Financially we’re in good shape. Diane suggested we go ahead and pay $10,000 for the work done on Frink Park (based on the grant from King County). The motion was made and carried unanimously.


LURC has been working on re-writing their bylaws. They’re in discussion with Vulcan for a site they may be interested in on the Promenade 23rd S. site. Jeff is looking at this situation as a potential subject for a general meeting.

HALA Flexibility

HALA is changing regulations around backyard cottages/basement apartments. The group is also looking for flexibility from communities in relaxing single-family zoning. Diane is looking for input/info on this subject. Jeff will take the request to LURC.

Programming/February General meeting

The board discussed paying an honorarium for the scheduled speaker, writer David Williams. The motion was made and carried.

Moorage report

The Parks dept. has received 2 proposals. One of the proposals is for Lakewood moorage only. The other proposal is from Foss.

‘Pot Shop’ Buffer Zone Issue

The City Council voted to reduce buffer zones from 1000 ft. to 500 ft. Board offered no objections to this. The board noted that the corner Uncle Ike’s occupies has become safer since the pot shop moved in.


We need a new hosting site; Yousef will research options.

Central Area Senior Center

Operation of the facility is a part of Senior Services, but the building is owned by the city. Senior Services may be interested in obtaining the building for multiple purposes, including low-income housing. There are some concerns as to whether the proposed changes might result in a loss in terms of community availability to the facility.


Exec board elections are coming up in May.

~Submitted by Amy Fink

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