Executive Board Meeting minutes
May 7, 2018—Attending: Janice Brown, Trevor Menagh, Janet Oliver and Diane Snell
Submitted Treasury report. She has not contacted Home Bank; it was Janice who offered to do this. She will follow up for June.
Recap of May meeting. Good reviews; interest in follow-up. Agreement on honorariums to presenters.
New Business
Janice bringing Keller-Williams work force to Leschi Park rain or shine.
Flo Ware event to be coordinated by Katie Busby and Christine Miller on June 10 from 1–3pm. Janet urged that they keep receipts, as she was unable to reimburse some expenses last year. Newsletter deadline is May 21. June program: Leschi Star awards (4 nominations were accepted) and guest speaker CM Kshama Sawant. Diane had questions about need for equipment; no decisions here.
Old Business
The only item that was discussed was the wine tasting. Leschi Market too understaffed to take this on. Janice suggested asking Grocery Outlet. The other items (LOGO, CD, etc. moved to next month.)
This meeting was held at BluWater as Senior Center not open on this date.
~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell