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Janice Merrill Brown

President’s message

Fall is upon us. Sometimes it is hard to believe how quickly time goes by. As you receive this newsletter, it will be October. Many exciting events are on the horizon.

I want to give a shout out to our artists, contributors, vendors and all the helpers who make our Seventh Annual Leschi ArtWalk a great success. Our competition was the first Husky game of the year at the UW stadium with its immense fan base. Nonetheless, we have a wonderful turnout and the participation keeps evolving.

Our October meeting on the Wednesday, October 3, we are excited to have the State Senator for the 11th District, Bob Hasagawa. He will be speaking about a public bank and its possibilities in the State of Washington. This idea has been raised by various entities and we are excited to hear more details. A state-owned bank would invest in infrastructure and student loans, increasing access to capital for small businesses and generate new revenue without raising taxes. North Dakota has had a public bank for 99 years and it has just reported its 13th consecutive year of record profits. We think this idea deserves a serious consideration. And Bob is a delightful speaker and this should prove to be an exciting evening.

October also has our Halloween Spectacular! We need volunteers to help set up and take down the big tent! Come at 3:30pm to help set up and then again at 6pm to take it down. Email if you can help or just tell Yousef when you are in Leschi Market. The kids love it; they pose for photos in their costumes and get a snack to fortify themselves for the treasure hunt ahead that starts right here in the Leschi business district. Pick up a map to find participating businesses!

Make plans to attend November’s meeting on the 7th. We will have a presentation by Marine Management on the status and plans for the remodel of our marinas.

Join us and become acquainted with your neighbors. We live in such a unique part of Seattle that has its own personality and great history. I encourage you to continue to reach out to your neighbors, check on them, make sure someone knows to check on you, as well.

With the change of season, it is always a good time to reflect, discard old ideas and take a risk. Don’t forget to vote! One cannot complain about the system with any credence if you do not vote. Let’s make this a banner mid-term.

Warm regards,

Janice Merrill Brown, President, Leschi Community Council 206-679-4004

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