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Executive Board meeting minutes

Leschi Council

May 6, 2019


Treasury report; little change from last month.


Randall Spahn unable to attend June meeting to collect the Star award; but his partner Buzz will be there, and both can be given to him. June meeting features State Senator Rebecca Saldaña who will be answering the Board’s submitted questions and others from audience. Following the Senator will be Joseph Eselbaum, the East Precinct’s new crime prevention coordinator.


Neighbors are taking on a triangular patch in Leschi Park which is being overrun with weeds. SDOT helping with mowing. King St. street-end is more closed than others. Twenty persons were asked about the site; 17 out of 20 liked it and 3 loved it. John said he had been following the pollution guide (Seattle Times) which has been high, but only during the week!?

Neighbors complaining that the path that runs along Frink and Leschi Park is not safe. It is heavily used by walkers, joggers and parents pushing strollers. Neighbors complain about speeding cars but Lake WA Blvd very curvy at that point and cars tend to slow down. Diane suggested that delineating it more clearly as a path by using bollards or even a short (in height) fence might alleviate the situation rather than taking the path away altogether.

Concerns about Marina management which features speed boats in their advertising. Parks had indicated two years ago, that the managing entity should be working with the neighborhood but that has not happened.

John, Kate and Diane Morris picked out a special rose as LCC’s memorial to Joyce Muskelly. It will be planted Tuesday afternoon at 3pm in the circle bed in front of the Senior Center.


Wine tasting results: Ticket sales of $1140 were given to the Senior Center. Not all expenses are known yet.

News deadline: May 20. Board members are asked to submit their memories of Joyce Muskelly to include in the June issue.

Website corrections: A Leschi resident was unable to find information about May meeting on the website. Board members are asked to review the website as though you were a newcomer and note what you would like to see changed. We can ask website creator to make changes this summer when the newsletter is not being produced.

PayPal: Leschi resident paid dues to PayPal but had to contact editor to say his label was not updated. This is because PayPal doesn’t tell us when any money goes into the account. Janet to check with Yousef on how to handle this.

ArtWalk recap: Six artists have responded to call for early registration. LCC needs to pay ArtWalk for 2 booths: LCC booth and one for voter registration.

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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