Executive Board Meeting minutes
February 10, 2002—Attending: Trevor Menagh, Tracy Bier , Diane Snell and guest Eva Hoffman
Janet: sent treasury report by email; She will be back by end of this month
Janice was unable to attend due to an awards ceremony where she works; she did send a reminder of ArtWalk meeting Thursday at 3:30pm at Bluwater Bistro; we don’t know if she was able to present awards to Randy & Buzz.
Trevor: Welcomed Eva to the meeting.
Eva: She is trying to coordinate a Block Watch and is working with Joseph Elenbaas. She has some concerns about time involved as she does not want to get overextended. Tracy shared some of her experiences.
Tracy: we need to encourage young persons to join the Board. Discussion of various ideas to accomplish this.
Diane: Newsletter deadline: Feb. 17
Ideas for promoting the March program; approved idea of contacting schools, i.e. history teachers.
Discussed possible goals for 2020.