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Leschi CC Meetings/Events Cancelled

Diane Snell

Our June meeting is cancelled and the Flo Ware event as well as the Art Walk are both cancelled.

Although we have no knowledge of what our world will be like in September, it takes months of planning for the ArtWalk and many of those months have already been lost. Even if we are back to “normal” in September, we have not been able to meet and reach out to the participating artists.

We hear that Seafair is also cancelled and yes, even the Blue Angels. This will be a relief to Leschi’s many dogs, we are sure! For Angel lovers, the noisemakers have been confirmed for 2021.

It is rather alarming to see that the number of new cases of the virus each day is still over 150; perhaps that is a “flattening,” but it sounds rather ominous to the average person

We hope that we can hold a meeting in September to elect officers and celebrate a new crop of Leschi Stars! We will accept Star nominations until the end of June; send your nomination to

If you wish to run for an office on the Board, please contact Trevor Lalish-Menagh, Chair of the Nominating Committee (email You may check out the duties of the various Board positions on our website: Leschinews. At the top select Our Council, then select Documents. This will show you the Constitution and the Bylaws. Go to Article V of the Bylaws: Officers -Duties. This will tell you what you want to know about each position on the Board. Chairpersons of committees are chosen by the President; please contact our President Janice Merrill Brown if you are interested in chairing a committee. We will let you know if we can hold a September meeting on both our Facebook page and the September issue of the Leschi News.

~Diane Snell

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