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Election of Leschi CC Officers

Leschi Council

LCC elections usually happen in May at our annual meeting but with the pandemic and the inability to have in person meetings, we were hoping to wait out the restrictions. But this year, all offices need to be filled and rather than wait another year, we have decided to try a vote-by-mail effort.

The open offices are President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The current Secretary and Treasurer have reached their term limits, but the President and Vice-President can run again, should they choose to do so.

  • Section 1. President. The President shall: preside over all meetings of the Council and of the Executive Board; appoint committee chairpersons; and be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

  • Section 2. Vice-President. The Vice-President shall: assist the president as needed; perform the duties of president in the president’s absence; and act as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

  • Section 3. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: collect dues; maintain a list of all paid members; receive funds; pay bills; keep records of all transactions; balance all funds; and prepare monthly financial reports for Council meetings.

  • Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall prepare meeting agendas, record minutes of all general and executive board meetings and provide a copy to the newsletter editor; provide all officers with copies of relevant documents; maintain copies of all outgoing correspondence; retrieve mail from the post office; channel correspondence to appropriate persons; maintain lists of meeting attendance and council members; and maintain all records, reports and documents of the Council.

This is an opportunity to guide the council in their work: “the Council has been and shall continue to be organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational and literary purposes. Its goal is to initiate and/or support beneficial public interest projects and programs, to create a neighborhood awareness of community issues so that residents of Leschi may make informed and effective decisions in matters concerning them, and to support and promote artistic and cultural activities that are consistent with the Council’s purposes.” (from our constitution) Both the Constitution and Bylaws are on our website; select Our Council and then select documents from the drop-down menu. Website: Leschi News or Leschi Community Council.

If you have any questions about the election or the offices, you may send your question to or contact the officer in the position in which you are interested.

This information will be reprinted in the May issue and we will include directions on how to vote if we can’t get together by June.

~Diane Snell


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