Leschi School Update
Congratulations to Mr. D for being named this year’s recipient of the first annual King County Larry Gossett Service Award! Text from his nomination below:
Mr. Donaldson has worked in the Seattle School District for 30 years as a Family Support Worker, to ensure that families’ basic human needs are met. He is an ever-present community fixture, and his contributions include co-founding The Rising Sons boy’s group and co-founding of the Rising Daughters girl’s group, as well as the Racial Student Equity Team at Leschi Elementary. During the pandemic, he has supported weekly “grab and go” food distribution to support families, as well as technical support, and numerous school needs. He was recognized as Family Support Worker of the Year, and the 2019 MOHAI Educator of the Year.
Mr. Donaldson has worked with the Leschi Community, the PTA, and service agencies such as Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic, numerous Churches, local community centers, and merchants. He has built partnerships with these community resources for holiday assistance, clothing, rental and energy assistance, and food donations for essential family support in a community with a large minority and immigrant population with numerous needs. He is grateful for such rewarding, fulfilling, and challenging work.
Keep up to date on upcoming events and news by visiting leschies.seattleschools.org or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/leschischool.
To support our school, classrooms, and community programs for the remainder of the school year please see: https://leschies.seattleschools.org/school_involvement/fundraising.
~Benson Wilder