Wednesday April 5th, 2023
Approximately 19 attendees
Background on EastPAC (East Precinct Advisory Council)
Planning a May community meeting to share research findings in partnership with Seattle U
Identifying Leschi's safety challenges
Prioritizing our list
Brainstorm potential solutions and support we want to ask for
Next steps: Meeting cadence, communications
Meeting summary: We had about 19 people in attendance. We appreciated everyone providing thoughtful feedback throughout the meeting. We identified initial areas of focus to establish good community engagement to support public safety. As we build momentum, we will work through additional issues and continue to add new concerns. We plan to hold a committee meeting via Zoom in early May (after the May community meeting).
Our initial priorities: (for details see notes in the Brainstorm section)
To start to address concerns about pedestrian safety, speeding and reckless driving throughout Leschi, we will gather questions and prepare for the May community meeting, which will have Greg Spotts, Director of the Dept of Transportation as the guest speaker.
Ensure good neighborhood participation in this year’s Night Out event. Will form sub-committee to organize and get the word out.
Reestablish Leschi's relationship with EastPAC.
Brainstorm: Leschi public safety concerns
Disaster Preparedness:
Establish an emergency hub
Madison and Mt. Baker have both established a program
Annual drills?
Emergency preparedness information and education
Seattle programs
The hub is just one facet of an emergency preparedness plan
Public Health
Availability of public restrooms (when is the Leschi Park location closed)
Resources for the unhoused
The Green Lake Starbucks has a board with local resources
What are the rules for RVs/campers?
Crime Prevention
Neighborhood/block watches
SPD has recommended personal cameras (porch Rings)
Support for business break-ins
How can we hear what actions are taken to resolve crimes (i.e. recent shooting)
Ashley to see what info EastPAC can provide
Pedestrian & Civilian Safety
Speeding on Lakeside, near Leschi Elementary, a number of spots along the lake
No stop signs or speed bumps for miles along the lake
People ignoring stop signs in neighborhoods
Speeding tickets not enforced (?)
May LCC: Presentation from a transportation representative - let’s make this an effective meeting - Trevor
Gather feedback from business owners - Eva
Google form or other means to gather community input - Ashley
Bus safety: people don’t feel safe riding at night
Community member reported a friend having a dangerous altercation resulting in serious injuries
How are drivers supported
Bill to write up summary of the situation and how we might proceed
Community & Police Relationship
Get to know your neighbors
Get good participation in Seattle's Night Out:
Night Out is a national event promoted in Seattle by Seattle Police Department Crime Prevention. It is designed to heighten crime prevention awareness, increase neighborhood support in anti-crime efforts, and unite our communities. Night Out is traditionally held the first Tuesday night in August.
Consider how to get neighborhoods to plan their events, or should we do one big Leschi Night Out? - Start to outline plan - Hafidha, Janice, Ashley
Re-establish relationship with EastPAC - attend monthly board meetings (next one is 4/12) - Ashley
Bring in crime prevention coordinator once a quarter
How to engage the community: Where do we make information available on a regular basis?
We have 3 kiosks, we usually update the kiosk by Bluwater
Community announcements at local businesses, such as Park Postal, Grocery outlet, etc
Continue email program
Updates in Leschi News
Ishea & Ashley to connect on communications opportunities
Next steps:
See brainstorm for owners of tasks
Time sensitive: Trevor to coordinate May meeting content (Eva & Ashley to support)
Ashley to set up a Zoom meeting in 4 weeks, can leverage breakout rooms if needed for projects